Dawn of da plent of da aepz

I recently went to see 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' in Cinemas and absolutely loved the film, everything from the immersive story to the great characters. I had a friend who was quite good at CGI and film editing who helped to work on the film himself, unfortunately, he was going on holiday to Sierra Leone and he asked me to look after his house while he was gone.
The film was very recently released in the UK, where I lived and my friend had been living in the US since 2011 to work of Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I decided to go on his PC, being the nosy person I am.
After about 2 or three minutes of looking through his video files I found a video file called 'dawnofapesfirstcut.avi'. I assumed it was a supposed 'first cut' of the movie, possibly the movie when it was still being developed; I decided to watch it out of morbid curiousity.
The film started out in a similar fashion as normal with the view of the Earth as the 'Simian Flu' spreads throughout the globe but in this version, the Simian Flu was never referred to at all - but instead, Ebola was mentioned.
I found this to be a little odd simply because ALZ-113 from Rise wasn't Ebola, but the Simian Flu. In the end I decided to forget about it and dismissed it as a placeholder while the producers where thinking of a name for the disease.
The film continued as normal up until the scene where Cornelia gave birth to her second child. The notable difference was that instead of Caesars oldest son walking in, it was Will Rodman from Rise, with Steve Jacobs, again from Rise - pointing a rocket launcher at him, then Will said 'I'm sorry Steve, I just can't do it' before falling to his knees'.
Then Steve blew up Will Rodman, hyperreelistic BLOD flew everywhr then Koba riped Steve Jacobs head off and ate his brian the stebe blowed koba to pieces then the computer exploded I shat mysel which propeld me up then I exploded and died